3. Event
What is Crown Rush?
Players can earn helpful items through the Crown Rush event!Completing a level during Crown Rush will award the player with 1 rocket and 1 b...
Where are Crowns?
Crowns can be found once the player reaches level 52.Players can check Crowns earned on top of the level button.Progress data for Crowns are...
Where are the Items Earned in Crowh Rush?
Items earned in Crown Rush are not stored.Instead, the items appear at the beginning of each level and are reset once the player fails a sta...
What is the Champions League?
Once a player completes all available levels, they may enter Champions League.The player is placed into a league of 20 Champions League play...
Where did my Trophies go?
Champions League season is only available until the next update.Once the update arrives, Champion League season ends and the trophies are re...
What is Nommies Party?
Team members can cooperate together to earn rewards from the Chest!During the Nommies Party event, team members can complete levels to contr...
What is Star Race?
Players can compete against one another for amazing rewards in the Star Race!Star Race points are earned by collecting Stars from completing...
How to Join Star Race?
Player must be at least level 30.If the Star Race event is active, player is automatically placed in a group of 50 players in a similar leve...
What is Team Race?
Teams can compete against other teams for amazing rewards in Team Race!Top teams earn great rewards once Team Race is concluded!- Player mus...
What Happens When 2 or More Players/Teams are Tied?
If players/teams are tied with the same score in a competitive event, the player/team that reached the score first will receive the reward.
What are Daily Missions?
By completing various tasks, players can earn up to 100 free Coins each day.The challenges are changed daily and the objective can be found ...
What is Checkmate?
Player must reach level 62.Completing the event level will reward 100 Coins.Event level has extremely limited turns- Players can retry the e...
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